About Us




It is clear for everyone that Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf is the graveyard  of the master of believers known as well  the door of the city of the prophet's science , Imam Ali Bin Abi Talib  (peace be upon him). It is also the first capital city of science and the desired Kaaba place for Muslims who are eager for scientific and religious Islamic knowledge. It is one of the ancient holy cities that diffused sciences and knowledge. Thousands of scientists, thinkers, writers, poets and professionals in the human sciences have been graduated with distinguished success from the different scientific institutions in all different area of sciences through a huge monument called HAWZA which is specialized in grooming the basics of scientific and religious knowledge known as Usool and Fikh considered as the Mother of Sciences.



The Establishing History of the Foundation:

     The first establishing cell was on 1413 A.H.-1992 A.C in the hard and cruel circumstances during the former regime which was a fierce enemy for the science and scientists. In those hard days, manuscripts department has been established and was located beside KashifalGhitaa library. The works started by saving the images of the manuscripts on the computer and prepare specific data-showing software in spite of the shortage in experience at that time. The foundation continued to work in arranging manuscripts of KashifalGhitaa library on computers, and then the work expanded to include other libraries' manuscripts, which were thankfully cooperative, then the manuscripts of the scientific families of Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf and others. The work was only to prepare the manuscripts pages and upload them on computers. When Win 95 was released on 1995 A.C.-1415 A.H. the foundation issued its first CD on 1995-1415 with 49 manuscripts including special data-showing software. The development and creativity of the foundation continued to progress and indeed start preparing religious program software .A group of special CDs had been issued concerning the biographies of Ali Ameer al Mu'mineen (P), Imam Al.Hussein(P), Imam Al.Sajjad(P), Al.Abrar (devoted) people a CD which contains the life of the Prophet (Allah's blessings and peace be on him and his progeny) and the holy Imams (Peace be upon them all). On 1417 A.H-1997 A.C. The first nucleus for the verification (Al.Tahqeeq)  and authentication department has been originated, during this year printing some manuscripts belonging to the descendants of  KashifalGhitaa family as well some other reliable books from Najaf's scientific Hawza had see the light helping in distributing these books to students, researchers and verifiers . The hard work continued till 1420AH-2000AC during this year the number of the uploaded of the manuscripts reached more than 1280 and were all stored on 44 CDs the number of the books that have been distributed was approximately 40. The number of the books which was typed by MSWord program was 110 and all these books have been uploaded on a CD and distributed free of charge to many students, researchers and scientific verifiers .In the middle of year 1420AH-2000AC the tyranny and the enemy of the science and religion was at its peak, by using  his grudge and oppression scorpions, was trying to efface the tradition of science and scientists by raiding this foundation and seizing and destroying the treasures of the manuscripts and the valuable books. That was when Saddam knew about the foundation and its activities, he sent his officers to arrest the foundation's secretary general Sheikh Abbas Kashifalghitaa holding a Doctorat degree and some of his assistants,  seizing the equipments, the computers, the cameras, the CDs and many microfilms which contained hundreds of manuscripts. After one year of suspending actions, the foundation restarted its activities secretly to renew its mission entrusting ALLAH (swt) and His protection, the result was 62 CDs with 1617 manuscripts. The verification process for some manuscripts continued and the books  uploaded on MS word program was 110 distributed free of charge to many students, researchers and scientific verifiers. One of Allah's blessings was the doom of (Pharaoh) and his soldiers and that led to get our work expanded, new departments opened. The foundation now has the following departments: (Department of manuscripts treasures, Department  of archive and documents, Department of verification, Department of  printing and publishing, Public Library department, Internet department, Religious program department, Islamic informing department, Related–Awqaf department, Symposium and conferences  department, Book bindery and manuscripts maintenance  department, Charity aides department).

The foundation was known as (The Treasures Foundation) because the manuscripts treasures were its first department but after the expansion in the departments as well in their activities the name has changed into KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation and one of its departments is the treasures of manuscripts department.


The Foundation's Departments:

The foundation offers, through these departments and scientific centers, the services for the students of Hawza, academic institutions and the community.

A list of its departments with a summary is as follows:


1. Treasures of manuscripts department:

     The aim of the workers in this department is to collect as many  as they can get manuscripts and to preserve this scientific legacy and heritage, as it is the production effort of our great scientists in the different aspects of knowledge, then publish and distribute it free of charge. Worth to mention that these treasures were kept concealed in the houses of scientists and their families' and that only a few number of them have seen the light and many other manuscripts still waiting on the shelves or in the basements  hoping someone will print publish then distribute them for the people of interest. Surely many reasons helped in not publishing that heritage and to keep it unknown for the public. One of these reasons was the terrible ambiance represented by former regime which tried fiercely to eradicate these treasures which led to lose a lot of our scientists' writings. In addition to that some libraries and personalities who have some manuscripts abstained from publishing this scientific heritage and insisted to keep their manuscripts and they should never see the light, others traded them. We should not forget that printing and publishing these manuscripts need a lot of financial capabilities and other matters, this also contributed in leaving the manuscripts buried in the corners and shelves.


The Mechanism of Work:

  1. We start by numbering the pages of the manuscript in an accurate and arty way.
  2. Finding the name of the manuscripts, its author's name, scribe's (alnasikh) name, place of transcription, history of transcription, the subject, the number of pages, the dimensions of the page, number of lines, length of each line, the condition and the colour of the paper, the condition of the transcription, knowing if the manuscript was complete or not and if it is not complete from which part? Is it from the first or the middle or from the end of the book?
  3. Photocopying the whole manuscript. The cover included.
  4. Turning over the pages of the manuscripts and compare them with the photocopy images that were uploaded on computer.
  5. Sending manuscripts' photocopies or images to the cleaning and treatment unit to arrange it in the best way and to  polish the photocopy or image.
  6. Using a special program prepared by the foundation to upload and show the pages of the manuscripts in an easy and simple way .Every library and every personality, that has uploaded manuscripts, will have a special programme that shows some facts about the library, its history, the personality and its history.
  7. Send the manuscripts to the binding department to overhaul its pages and then binding it in a suitable way.
  8. When finishing uploading the photo of the manuscript, repairing it and binding it, the manuscript will be returned back to its original owner with CDs that have the photos of the manuscripts and giving the library that owns this manuscripts or the man who owns them shelves or boxes to keep the manuscripts.
  9. This department also works on transforming the manuscripts that are on microfilms into the computer then keep them on CDs.

Among the main libraries and famous scientific personalities who cooperated with the foundation to preserve their manuscripts when done photocopying were the following:

a. The manuscripts of Al.Najaf Religious University. Iraq–Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf.

b. The manuscripts of Kashefalgetaa Library.           Iraq–Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf.

c. The manuscripts of Al-Sheikh Al-Khuneizy Library. Iraq-Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf.

d. The manuscripts of Ayatollah Sayeed Hibatuddin Al-Shahristany. Iraq–Baghdad

e. The manuscripts of Al-Allama Sayeed Mahdi Al-Khirsan. Iraq-Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf

f. The manuscripts of Al.Imam Al.Hasan (P) Public Library. Iraq-Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf.

g. The manuscripts of Al-Sada Al-AlHujja Al-Tabtaba'y. Iraq-Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf.

h. The manuscripts of Al.Jawahiry Library. Iraq-Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf

i. The manuscripts of Al.Shaikh MohammadRidha  Al-Gharrawi Library. Iraq-Al.Diwaniya

j. The remaining manuscripts of DarulIlm (house of science) of Al-Sayeed Al-Khoe. Iraq-Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf

k. Some of the manuscripts of Dr.Hussein Ali Mahfoodh. Iraq-Baghdad           

l. Some of the manuscripts of the Iraqi Museum .        Iraq-Baghdad.

m. Some of the manuscripts of (Diwan Al.Awqaf).       Iraq-Baghdad.

n. Some of the manuscripts of Holy Kerbala's libraries. Iraq- Kerbala.

o. Some of the manuscripts from various Iraqi libraries. Iraq-Baghdad.

p.The manuscripts of Al-Yazdi school.                         Iraq-Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf.

q. The manuscripts of Al Great Al-akhund school.                         Iraq-Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf.

r.The manuscripts of Al Shoubarya school.                         Iraq-Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf.

s. The manuscripts of Al Kawwam school.                         Iraq-Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf.

t. The manuscripts of Al Sader the Great school.                         Iraq-Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf.

u.The manuscripts of Al Alamayn library.                         Iraq-Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf.

v.  The manuscripts of Al Sayed Hassoun Albouraki library.                         Iraq-Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf.

w. The manuscripts of Al Mamakani library.                         Iraq-Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf.

x. The manuscripts of Al Jamaleddine library.                         Iraq-Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf.

y.The manuscripts of Al Kamaleddine library.                         Iraq-Baghdad.

z.The manuscripts of Al Kourbasi library.                         Iraq-Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf.

aa. The manuscripts of Al Sayed Bahrlouloum library.                         Iraq-Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf.

bb. The manuscripts of Al Fikh school.                                  Iraq-Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf.

cc. The manuscripts of Al Karmani library. Iraq-Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf.

dd. The manuscripts of Al Astahbanati library.                         Iraq-Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf.

ee. The manuscripts of Ayatollah Hassan Alsader library.                         Iraq-Baghdad.

ff. The manuscripts of Al Shirbiyanieh school.                         Iraq-Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf.

gg. The manuscripts of Al Shoushtouriyeh housayniyeh.                         Iraq-Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf.

In present time the foundation is working with a lot of personalities and libraries to get their manuscripts preserved in the best ways.

 It is better to explain something about the program and its abilities:

  1. The ability to show the manuscript and browse it.
  2. Enlarge and minimize every page
  3. 90 or 180 degree rotation ability for each manuscript.
  4. The ability to search by using the name of a manuscript, the name of the author, the subject, date of copying and\or the number of the CD.
  5. The program shows a special information form for each manuscript that has been uploaded on the CD : name of the manuscript, name of the author, name of the copied manuscript, the name of the copier, the subject, umber of pages, the width and length of each page, number of lines for each page, the length and the width of the line, the colour of the paper, the condition of the paper, the condition of the copy, knowing if the copy was complete and  if it is  not complete in which part of it? are they from the beginning of the manuscript, the middle or the end of it?. This department also provides another service for the students of Hawza, the researcher and the verifiers. The service is preparing CDs that contain the manuscripts which can be needed and asked by a researcher. All the services are free of charge and the aim is to support the cultural and scientific movement. Finally we invite all public and private libraries and any personality who hold an original or pictured manuscript to keep these manuscripts and publish them through this foundation or by themselves because the author of any manuscript has spent his life in compiling and publishing it and he\she had suffered a lot; does not he\she deserve from us a doubled effort to preserve this heritage and publish it because it represents the product of those scientists? it is a great service for them and for the science.


2. Documents and Archive Department:

Documents represent one of the most important historical resources. The main thing that needed by a researcher and a historian is the documents of letters in the science of narration's men and other sciences. KashifalGhitaa Foundation paid a lot attention to open a department that cares in collecting and keeping documents so every researcher can benefit of this scientific material. By Allah's help the department has been opened on 1425A.H.-2005A.C..The workers in this department were able to have access to a large number of documents starting with KashifalGhitaa public library as it has important documents. Also the department was able to collect number of documents from other libraries either through donation or buying or photographing. We hope to have cooperation from other foundations, libraries and honorable personalities

 [وَتَعَاوَنُوا عَلَى الْبِرِّ وَالتَّقْوَى].

During this small period of time the department has got original national documents and photographed ones, historical correspondences, ownership documents, endowments (waqf) documents, commandment documents, advices, official letters, written fatwas of religious scientists, the biographies of some famous religious personalities and their attitudes in addition to some old and modern magazines. Every thing we get will be photocopied and uploaded on CDs while the original document would be repaired and maintained and to be given back to their holders. The department receives all types of documents to be pictured archived in a scientific way, overhauled and then to be saved on CDs. The owner of the manuscripts will get a CD copy. The department serves the students of Hawza, researchers, verifiers and historians.

Among the most prominent libraries and well-known scientific personalities who cooperated with the foundation in keeping their documents and already finished archiving and photographing were:

  1. The documents of Al.Allamah  Al-Sheikh MohammadRidha  Al-Amiry.
  2. The documents of Al-Sheikh  MohammadAli Al-Yaqoobi.
  3. The documents of baytulHujja Al-Tabtaba'y (Al-Hujja family).
  4. The documents of Al-Kurmani House.
  5. The documents of Al-Sheikh Al-Kurbasi.

The foundation works on some other documents, presented by some personalities and libraries, to get them archived, photographed and kept on CDs.

Verification and Inquiry Department:

It is clear for everyone with scientific knowledge that manuscripts and old books are useless unless they would be verified and authenticate by knowing the Quranic verses ,the speeches of the Prophet (A)(Hadiths ), the sayings and the narrators ,knowing the unknown scientists who contributed the book .Also correcting the mistakes of the copier who achieved a copy of the original copy as related to grammar and language and  explaining the obscured meanings so the reader can easily understand the book or the manuscript. All this should come through a knowledgeable person in books verification. For this reason we opened the (Verification Department).This department is run under supervision of a verification and inquiry committee which include Hawza religious students in Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf and also verifiers and researchers with postgraduate studies (PhD-M.A) to invest both efforts, Hawza side and academic side. The foundation has finished the verification and inquiry of nine precious and rare manuscripts which are:

  1. 1. (Al.Imama) book\compiled by Sheikh Abbas KashifalGhitaa (1253-1323 A.H.)\verified by KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation \Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf \1425AH-2004 AC.
  2. The Najafi Answers on Wahabi Fatwas\compiled by Sheikh Hadi KashifalGhitaa (1290-1361AH)\verified by KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation\Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf\1426AH-2005AC.
  3. A Letter in the Reciting Art\by Sheikh Hadi KashifalGhitaa (1290-1361AH)\verified by KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation \Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf \1423AH-2002AC.
  4. Zaid bin Ali (Peace be upon him)\by Sheikh MohammadRidha KashifalGhitaa (1310-1366AH)\verified by KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation \Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf\ 1424AH-2003AC.
  5. The Voice and its Essence and the Difference Between the Two Arabic Letters (dhad) and (dha')\by Sheikh MohammadRidha KashifalGhitaa (1310-1366AH)\verified by KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation\ Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf\ 1421AH-2000AC.
  6. (Al.Abaqat Al.Anbariyah Fi Al.Tabaqat Al.Ja'fariyah)\by Sheikh MohammadHussein KashifalGhitaa (1294-1373AH)\verified by KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation \Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf \1421AH-200AC.
  7. Historical Documents for Al-Fadhil Sallal (Al-Moh)\by Sheikh MohammadRidha KashifalGhitaa\verified by KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation \Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf.
  8. Rules of Trade and Commerce (Ahkam Al.matajir) Book\by Sheikh Mahdi KashifalGhitaa \verified by KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation \Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf \1423AH-2003AC.
  9. (Risalah Fi Hijjiyat Al.Dhan) book\Sheikh Ali KashifalGhitaa (1197-1253AH)\verified by KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation \Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf \1423AH-2002AC.

Many other books are under verification. The department has the honour to welcome personalities who would like to participate in the verification process to get the scientific tradition published and spread.


4. Printing and Publishing Department

There is no doubt that printing and publishing have a great effect in the revival of the Islamic heritage and diffusion the awareness among Muslims.  From that point, the foundation paid a special attention to this department and offered the necessary needs. The work expanded by entering some manuscripts on (MS word) regardless being verified or not. Until 2004, about 110 manuscripts have been arranged and uploaded, some of them have not been verified yet. A special CD of these manuscripts is available. Also 110 have been published or Uploaded by using MS word, the books are:

  1. (Manhaj Al.Rashad Liman Arad Assadad)\Al.Shaikh Al.Akbar Ja'far KashifalGhitaa 1156-1228AH\KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation Publications\Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf \1413AH-1993AC.
  2. (Al.Urf)\Sheikh As'ad KashifalGhitaa\KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation Publications\Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf\1415AH-1995AC.
  3. (Nahjulsawab Fi Hal Mushkilat Al.I'rab)\Grand Ayatullah Sheikh Ali KashifalGhitaa 1331-1411AH\KahsifalGhitaa Public Foundation Publications\Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf\1416AH-1996AC.
  4. (Jathwat Al.Miqbas Min Ma'athir Shaikhana Al.Abbas) \Al.Allama Al.Sayeed AbdulSattar Al.Hasany \KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation Publications\Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf \1416AH-1996AC.
  5. (Fauz Al.Ibad Linail Al.Ijtihad)\Grand Ayatollah Sheikh Murtadha KashifalGhitaa 1291-1349AH\KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation Publications.
  6. The System of The Imam Ali KashifalGhitaa Religious schools in Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf and Baghdad\KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation Publications\Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf\1416AH-1996AC.
  7. (USus Al.Taqwa LiNaeil Jannatul Ma'wah)\Grand Ayatollah Sheikh Ali KashifalGhitaa 1331-1411AH\KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation Publications\Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf\1417AH-1997AC.
  8. (Al.Usool Al.Arba'ma'ah)The 400 Rules\Sheikh As'ad KashifalGhitaa\KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation Publications\Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf\1417AH-1997AC.
  9. (Al.Imama)\Grand Ayatollah Sheikh Abbas KashifalGhitaa 1253-1323AH\verified by KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation\Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf\1417AH-1997AC.

10.The Four Speeches \Grand Ayatollah Sheikh                         MohammadHussein KashifalGhitaa 1294-   1373AH\KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation Publications \Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf \1417AH-1997AC.

11.(l.Firdous Al.A'la)\Grand Ayatollah Al.Shaikh MohammadHussein KashifalGhitaa 1294-1373AH\KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation Publications \Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf \1417AH-1997AC.

12.(kashfulGhitaa  An Tharw Min Ahwal Sheikh Ali KashifalGhitaa)\Al.Allamah Al.Sayeed AbdulSattar Al.Hasany \KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation Publication \Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf \1417AH-1997AC.

13.(Al.Burhan Al.Mubeen fe man Yajib Ittiba'uhu min Al.Mursaleen) \Grand Ayatollah Sheikh Hadi KashifalGhitaa 1290-1361AH\KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation Publications \Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf \1418AH-1998AC.

14.(Jadwal Al.Shukook) \Grand Ayatollah Sheikh Ali KashifalGhitaa 1331-1411AH\KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation Publications\Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf\1418AH-1998AC.

15.Al.Shaikh Ja'far Al.Kabeer (KashifalGhitaa) a Biography \KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation Publications \Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf \1418AH-1998AC.

16.(Al.KawakibulDurriya Fe Al.Ahkam Al.Nahwiya)\Grand Ayatollah Sheikh Ali KashifalGhitaa 1331-1411AH\KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation Publications \Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf \1418AH-1998AC.

17.(Maqtal Al.Hussein (Peace be upon him)\Grand Ayatollah Sheikh MohammadHussein KashifalGhitaa \KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation Publications \Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf \1418AH-1998AC.

18.(Al.Fawa'ed Al.Ja'fariyah)\Grand Ayatollah Sheikh Abbas KashifalGhitaa 1253-1323AH\KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation Publications \Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf\1419AH-1999AC.

19.(Is'ad Al.mou'mineen Fe Ihiya' Sunnat Sayeed Al.Mursaleen)\KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation Publications \1420AH-1999AC.

20.(Awthaq Al.Akhbar fe Maqtal Sayeed Al.Abrar) \Sheikh ThulFiqar KashifalGhitaa \KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation Publication\Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf \1420AH-1999AC.

21.(Al.Haq Al.Mubeen fe Tasweeb Al.Mujtahideen wa Takhti'at Al.Ekhbaryeen)\Al.Shaikh Al.Akbar Sheikh Ja'far KashifalGhitaa 1156-1228AH\KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation Publications\ Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf \1420AH-1999AC.

22.(Risalah fe Ahkam Al.Amwat) a Letter in the Rules of the Dead People\ Al.Shaikh Al.Akbar Sheikh Ja'far KashifalGhitaa 1156-1228AH\KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation Publications\Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf \1420AH-1999AC.

23.(Sharh Al.Shaikh Ja'far ala Qawa'ed Al.Allama Ibn Al.Mutahhar)\Al.Shaikh Al.Akbar Sheikh Ja'far  KashifalGhitaa 1156-1228AH\KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation Publications\ Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf \1420AH-1999AC.

24.(Al.Fa'eqah fe Al.Nahu)\Grand Ayatollah Al.Shaikh Abbas KashifalGhitaa 1253-1323AH\KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation  Publications \Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf \1420AH-1999AC.

25.(Al.Qawa'ed Al.Sit ashrata)The Sixteen Bases\Al.Sheikh Al.Akbar Al.Shaikh Ja'far KashifalGhitaa1156-1228AH\KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation Publications \Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf \1420AH-1999AC.

26.(Al.Mal Al.Mithli wa Al.Mal Al.Qaimi fe Al.Fiqh Al.Islami) \Sheikh Dr. Abbas KashifalGhitaa \KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation Publications\Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf \1420AH-1999AC.

27.(Al.Maqbulah Al.Huseiniyah)\Grand Ayatollah Sheikh Hadi KashifalGhitaa 1290AH-1361AH\KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation Publications\Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf \1420AH-1999AC.

28.The Critic of The Egyptian Suggestions\ Grand Ayatollah Sheikh MohammadRidha KashifalGhitaa 1310-1366AH\ KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation Publications\Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf \1420AH-1999AC.

29.(Al.Hadi fe ma Yahtajuhu Al.Tafseer min Al.Mabadi')\Al.Sheikh Hadi KashifalGhitaa died(1414AH-1994AC)\KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation Publications \Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf\1420AH-1999AC.

30.(Awdhah Al.Ijazat ila Sayeed Al.Ka'inat)\KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation  Publications\Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf\1421AH-2000AC.

31.The Guide for The Holy Shrines of Iraq \KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation Publications\Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf\1420AH-2000AC.

32.(Taqree' Al.Asa fe Al.Riq wa Al.Nakhasah wa Al.Khasa)\Grand Ayatollah Al.Sheikh MohammadRidha KashifalGhitaa 1310-1366AH\KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation Publications \Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf \1421AH-2000AC.

33.(Al.Shareef Al.Radhi)\Grand Ayatollah MohammadRidha KashifalGhitaa1310-1366AH\KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation Publications \Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf \1421AH-2000AC.

34.(Al.Abaqat Al.Anbariyah fe Al.Tabaqat Al.Ja'fariyah) \Grand Ayatollah Al.Sheikh MohammadHussein KashifalGhitaa 1294-1373AH\verified by KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation \Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf \1421AH-2000AC.

35.(Al.Ghayeb wa Al.Shahada)\Grand Ayatollah Al.Sheikh MohammadRidha KashifalGhitaa 1310-1366AH\KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation Publications \Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf\1421AH-2000AC.

36.The Religion Is The Advice\Al.Sheikh Dr. Abbas KashifalGhitaa \KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation Publications \Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf \1422AH-2001AC.

37.(Al.Sawlah Al.Ja'fariyah fe Al.Rad ala Al.Lum'a Al.Bahiya)\Grand Ayatollah Sheikh Hadi KashifalGhitaa 1290AH-1361AH\KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation Publications \Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf \1421AH-2000AC.

38.(Immah Najafiyah) A Najafi Turban \KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation Publications \Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf \1421AH-2001AC.

39.(Ghayat Al.Ma'mool fe Ilm Al.Usool)\Al.Sheikh Al.Akbar Al.Sheikh Ja'far KashifalGhitaa 1156-1228AH\KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation Publications \Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf \1421AH-2001AC.

40.(KashfulGhitaa an Mubhamat Al.Shariy'a Al.Gharra')\Al.Sheikh Al.Akbar Al.Sheikh Ja'far KashifalGhitaa 1156-1228AH\KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation Publications \Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf \1422AH-2001AC.\This book is divided into six volumes .

41.The Banks Transactions in The Islamic Fiqh\Al.Sheikh Dr. Abbas  KashifalGhitaa \KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation Publications \Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf \1422AH-2001AC.

42.(AnwaarulFaqaha) \Grand Ayatollah Sheikh Hasan KashifalGhitaa 1201-1262AH\KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation Publications\Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf \1422AH-2001AC.

43.(Bab Madinat Ilim Al.Fiqh)The Door of the Jurisprudence  Science  City\Grand Ayatollah Sheikh Ali KashifalGhitaa 1331-1411AH\ KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation Publications\Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf \1422AH-2001AC.

44.(Al.Noor Al.Satie' fe Al.Fiqh Al.Nafie')\Grand Ayatollah Sheikh Ali KashifalGhitaa 1331-1411AH\ KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation Publications \Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf\1422AH-2001AC.This book is divided into two volumes.

45.The Principles of Belief  \Grand Ayatollah Al.Sheikh MohammadHussein KashifalGhitaa 1294-1373AH\KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation Publications \Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf \1421AH-2001AC.

46.(Madarik NahjulBalagha wa Dafie' Al.Shubuhat Anhu)\Grand Ayatollah Al.Sheikh Hadi KashifalGhitaa 1290-1361AH\KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation Publications \Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf \1421AH-2001AC.

47.(Mustadrak Nahjulbalaghah)\Grand Ayatollah Al.Sheikh Hadi KashifalGhitaa 1290-1361AH\KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation Publications \Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf \1421AH-2001AC.

48.Islamic Essays\ A group of essays and researches by Sheikh Dr. Abbas KashifalGhitaa \KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation Publications\ Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf\ 1421AH-2001AC.

49.(Huda Al.Muttaqin) \Grand Ayatollah Sheikh Hadi KashifalGhitaa 1290-1361AH\KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation Publications \1421AH-2001AC.

50.The Najafi Answers On Wahabi Fatwas\ Grand Ayatollah Al.Sheikh Hadi KashifalGhitaa 1290-1361AH\verified by KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation\Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf \1423AH-2002AC.

51.The Rules (Al.Ahkam)\Grand Ayatollah Ali KashifalGhitaa 1331-1411AH\KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation Publications \Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf \1423AH-2002AC.\This book includes 6 Volumes .

52.(Bulghat Al.Nahat fe Sharih Al.Fa'eqah)\Grand Ayatollah Sheikh Hadi KashifalGhitaa 1290-1361AH\KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation Publications \Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf \1423AH-2002AC.

53.(Al.Ta'arudh wa Al.Ta'adul wa Al.Tarjih)\Grand Ayatollah Al.Sheikh Ali KashifalGhitaa 1311-1411AH\KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation Publications \Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf \1422AH-2002AC.

54.The Guide of KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation's Manuscripts \ KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation Publications \Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf\1423AH-2002AC.

55.(Resalah fe Fan Al.Tajweed) A Letter in the Reciting Art\ Grand Ayatollah Sheikh Ali KashifalGhitaa 1290-1361AH\verified by KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation\Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf\1423AH-2002AC.

56.(Risalah fe Qa'edat Al.Ishtighal) \Al.Allama Al.Sayeed MohammadJawad Al.Amili 1164-1226AH\KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation Publications \Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf \1422AH-2002AC.

57.The Voice and its Essence and the Difference Between the Two Arabic Letters (dhad) and (dha')\by Grand Ayatollah Sheikh MohammadRidha KashifalGhitaa (1310-1366AH)\verified by KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation \Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf \1421AH-2002AC.

58.(Al.Ihtiat ,Haqeeqatuh wa Hijjiyatuh)\Al.Sheikh Fatih AbdulRazzaq KashifalGhitaa \KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation Publications \Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf \1423AH-2002AC.

59.(Ahsanu Al.hadith fe Ahkam Al.Wasaya wa Al.Mawarith)\ Grand Ayatollah Al.Sheikh Ahmad KashifalGhitaa 1292-1344AH\verified by KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation \Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf \1422AH-2002AC.

60.(Adwar Ilm Al.Fiqh)The Phases of Jurisprudence \Grand Ayatollah Sheikh Ali KashifalGhitaa 1331-1411AH\KashifalGhitaa Public  Foundation Publications \Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf \1422AH-2002AC.

61.(Urjuzah fe Al.Hajj wa Al.Siyam wa Al.Khums)\Grand Ayatollah Sheikh Abbas KashifalGhitaa 1253-1323AH \KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation Publications \Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf \1422AH.-2002 AC.

62.(Aslu Al.Shia wa Usuluha)The Origin of SHIA and its  Roots\Grand Ayatollah Al.Sheikh MohammadHussein KashifalGhitaa 1294-1373AH\KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation Publications\Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf \1423AH-2002AC.

63.KashifalGhitaa Family \KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation Publications \Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf \1423AH-2002AC.

64.The Artificial Fibers \Dr. Hussein KashifalGhitaa \KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation Publications \Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf \1422AH-2002AC.

65.(Al.Anwaar Al.Husseiniya wa Al.Sha'a'er Al.Islamiyah)\Al.Shaikh AbdulRidha KashifalGhitaa famous as (Sheikh Al.Iraqaen)1314-1388AH\KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation Publications \Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf\1422AH-2002AC.This book Includes Two volumes .

66.Between the University of Imam Sheikh Ali KashifalGhitaa and The Islamic Researches Academy in Cairo \Al.Sayeed Kadhim Al.Kifaie \KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation Publications \Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf \1423AH-2002AC.

67.Between Al.Najaf and Al.Azhar\Al.Sayeed Kadhim Al.Kifaie \KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation Publications \Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf \1423AH-2002AC.

68.(Jannatul Ma'wa)\Grand Ayatollah Al.Sheikh MohammadHussein KashifalGhitaa 1294-1373AH\KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation Publications \Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf \1423AH-2002AC.

69.(Al.Haq Al.Yaqeen fe Tarajim Al.Ma'soomin)\Grand Ayatollah Al.Sheikh Ali KashifalGhitaa 1331-1411AH\KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation Publications \Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf \1423AH-2002AC.

70.(Risalah fe Hijjiyat Al.Dhan)\Al.Sheikh Ali KashifalGhitaa 1197-1253AH\verified by KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation \Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf \1423AH.-2002AC.

71.(Al.Rawdha Al.Ghanna' fe Mada'eh Al.KashifalGhitaa)\Al.Allama Al.Sayeed AbdulSattar Al.Hasany\ KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation Publications\Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf \1423AH-2002AC.

72.(Safeenat Al.Najat wa Mishkat Al.Huda wa Misbah Al.Sa'adat fe Al.Ahkam wa Al.Uqood wa Al.Iqa'at)\Grand Ayatollah Sheikh Ahmad KashifalGhitaa 1292-1342AH\KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation Publications \Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf \1423AH-2002AC.The book is with 4 Volumes.

73.A Question and an Answer!\Grand Ayatollah Al.Sheikh MohammadHussein KashifalGhitaa 1294-1373AH\KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation Publications \Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf \1423AH-2002AC.

74.(Saha'ef Al.Abrar fe Wadha'ef Al.Ashar)\Grand Ayatollah Al.Sheikh MohammadHussein KashifalGhitaa 1294-1373AH\kashifalGhitaa Public Foundation Publications \Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf \1423AH.-2002AC.

75.(Qala'ed Al.Durar fe Manasik man Hajja wa A'tamar)\Grand Ayatollah Al.Sheikh Ahmad KashifalGhitaa 1292-1344AH\KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation Publications \Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf \1423AH-2002AC.

76.The Prayer's Book \Grand Ayatollah Al.Sheikh Ali KashifalGhitaa 1331-1411AH\KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation Publications \Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf \1423AH-2002AC.

77.(Al.Kalim Al.Taeeb)\Grand Ayatollah Al.Sheikh Ali KashifalGhitaa 1331-1411AH\KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation Publications \Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf \1423AH-2002AC.

78.The Highest Examples are in Islam not in( Bihamdoon)\Grand Ayatollah MohammadHussein KashifalGhitaa 1294-1373AH\KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation Publications \Al.Najaf  Al.Ashraf \1422AH-2002AC.

79.(Al.Mukhtasar min Murshid Al.Anam Lihajj Baytillah Al.Haram)\Grand Ayatollah Al.Sheikh Ali KashifalGhitaa 1331-1411AH\KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation Publications \Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf\1422AH-2002AC.

80.The Resources of the Legal Rule and the Civil Law \Grand Ayatollah Al.Sheikh Ali KashifalGhitaa 1331-1411AH\KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation Publications \Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf \1423AH.--2002 AC. This book includes two volumes .

81.The Refutation of Wahabi Fatwas \Grand Ayatollah Al.Sheikh MohammadHussein KashifalGhitaa 1294-1373AH\KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation Publications \Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf \1423AH-2002AC.

82.Views and Scrutinies \Grand Ayatollah Al.Shaikh Ali KashifalGhitaa 1331-1411AH\KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation Publications \Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf\ 1422AH-2002AC.

83.The Criticism  of the Logical Opinions and Solving their Problems\ Grand Ayatollah Ali KashifalGhitaa 1331-1411AH\KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation Publications\Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf \1422AH-2002AC..The book is in two volumes .

84.Historical Documents Al.Fadhil Sallal (Al.Moh)\Grand Ayatollah Sheikh MohammadRidha KashifalGhitaa 1310-1366AH\verified by KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation \Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf \1422AH-2002AC.

85.(NahjulHuda)\Grand Ayatollah Al.Sheikh Ali KashifalGhitaa 1331-1411AH\KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation Publications \Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf \1423AH-2002AC.

86. The Reply on Musa Jarullah Issues And a Letter about Cursing And the priority of Alawi people \Grand Ayatollah Al.Sheikh Hadi KashifalGhitaa 1290-1361AH\KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation Publications \Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf \1423AH.2003AC.

87.Zaid Bin Ali \Grand Ayatollah Al.Sheikh MohammadRidha KashifalGhitaa 1310-1366AH\verified by KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation \Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf \1424AH-2003AC.

88.Trade and Commerce Rules \Grand Ayatollah Sheikh Mahdi KashifalGhitaa 1226-1298AH\verified by KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation \Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf\1423AH.-2003AC.

89.(Al.Wasi) Life \Al.Sheikh AbdulRidha (Sheikh Al.Iraqaien)1314-1388AH\KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation Publications\Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf \1423AH-2003AC.

90.(Al.Khiyarat)The Options \Grand Ayatollah Sheikh Ali KashifalGhitaa 1197-1253AH\KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation Publications\Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf \1424AH-2003AC.

91.(Sharih Al.Durra) \Grand Ayatollah Sheikh Abbas KashifalGhitaa 1253-1323AH\KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation Publications \Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf \1423AH-2003Ac.

92.(Sharih Al.Urwah Al.Withqah)\Grand Ayatollah Sheikh Abbas KashifalGhitaa 1253-1323AH\KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation Publications \Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf \1423AH-2003AC.

93.(Sharih Muqaddamat KashfulGhitaa) \Grand Ayatollah Sheikh Hasan KashifalGhitaa 1201-1262AH\KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation Publications \Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf \1424AH-2003AC.

94.(Al.U'rwah Al.Withqah fe Al.Deen) \Grand Ayatollah Al.Sheikh Abbas KashifalGhitaa 1253-1323AH\KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation Publications \Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf \1423AH-2003AC.

95.Some Praising poems for the sake of  KashifalGhitaa Family taken from (Sihir Babil wa Saja' Al.Balabil)Divan\ by Sayeed Ja'far Al.Hilli \KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation Publications \Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf \1423AH-2003AC.

96.Nuclear Physics \Dr. Mohammad KashifalGhitaa \KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation Publications \Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf \1423AH-2003AC.

97.(Muniyat Al.Raghib fe Sharih Bulghat Al.Talib)\Grand Ayatollah Al.Sheikh Musa  KashifalGhitaa 1180AH-1241AH\KashifalGhitaa  Public Foundation Publications \Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf \1423AH-2003AC.

98.(Mawrid Al.Anam fe Sharih Sharaie' Al.Islam)\Grand Ayatollah Sheikh Abbas KashifalGhitaa 1242-1315AH\KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation Publications \Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf \1423AH-2003AC.

99.The Encyclopedia of Ali Bin Abi Talib and Al.Najaf \Dhiaa Al.Shaikh Salih KashifalGhitaa \KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation Publications \Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf .The book is divided into three volumes \1423AH-2003AC.

100.(Al.Wurood Al.Ja'fariyah fe Hashiyat Al.Riyadh Al.Tabataba'iyah)\Grand Ayatollah Al.Sheikh Abbas KashifalGhitaa 1253-1323AH\KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation Publications \Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf \1423AH.-2003AC.

101. Introduction to Al Shari'at Alislamyiah/ Doctor Al.Sheikh Abbas KashifalGhitaa/ KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation Publications \Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf \1425AH.-2005AC.

102. The corruption management through Islamic prespective/ Doctor Al.Sheikh Abbas KashifalGhitaa/ KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation Publications /Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf/ 1426AH.-2005AC.

103.Project of AlMahdiya  Religious School for Introductions level. KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation Publications \Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf \1426AH.-2005AC.

104.The best of Religion :Al Mourou'a . Doctor Al.Sheikh Abbas KashifalGhitaa/ KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation Publications /Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf/ 1426AH.-2006AC.


Every published book, although done in small numbers because of the hard political circumstances during the former regime, has been distributed free of charge to the students and educated people. Other activities of the department were designing posters and religious circulations especially during religious events to be  distributed to the believers. We ask almighty ALLAH (swt) to put this work for his own.


Religious Informing, Guidance and Notification Department:

 KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation had the honor to support the intellectual movement, supporting the informing activities and spreading the cultural awareness to promote and to protect the young believers from the enemies of Islam and the enemies of virtue. Also inviting the non-Muslims to convert Islam as Allah (swt) ordered [ادْعُ إِلَى سَبِيلِ رَبِّكَ بِالْحِكْمَةِ وَالْمَوْعِظَةِ الْحَسَنَةِ وَجَادِلْهُمْ بِالَّتِي هِيَ أَحْسَنُ]

Convincing the followers of other religions and beliefs that Allah's only religion is Islam. Preaching Muslims and guiding them about the best for their lives and the other life (Akhirah). Showing the precedence and the rightful of AhlulBayt (P) School and showing the ideas and theories of this sect. Also taking up the refutation of suspicions which are circulated by enemies of Islam to defame the clear image of the true Islam. Preaching Muslims and guiding them towards the best for their lives and the other life (Akhirah) . A translation section has been opened within this department. This section's work is to translate some faith and religious books and to do direct and indirect dialogues with the other religions and beliefs.

The Islamic Informing department contributes in supporting the Islamic informers with the needed books and educational booklets. Also the department coordinated with some official sides to give directive lectures to some official employees in different sectors like police, health and universities. Children have their own share of interest through opening educational summer courses to teach them holy Quran, religious rules in addition to provide them with teaching booklets and stationery. The department distributes some clothes, toys and\or gifts to the registered students.


Public Library Department:

The libraries have an active role in feeding the minds, developing crafts, keeping the productions of the scientists and intellectuals and publishing the general culture. Also a library is an eternal source for the writers and researchers in all aspects of knowledge. The first nucleus of this library was the books inherited from Al.Shaikh Al.Akbar Sheikh Ja'far KashifalGhitaa the highest grandfather of KashifalGhitaa family died (1228AH). That was a good seed in a good land [وَالْبَلَدُ الطَّيِّبُ يَخْرُجُ نَبَاتُهُ بِإِذْنِ رَبِّهِ].After inherited by Sheikh Hadi KashifalGhitaa he added another group of manuscripts and books that led to an increase in numbers of books and manuscripts
[كَمَثَلِ حَبَّةٍ أَنْبَتَتْ سَبْعَ سَنَابِلَ فِي كُلِّ سُنْبُلَةٍ مِائَةُ حَبَّةٍ وَاللَّهُ يُضَاعِفُ لِمَنْ يَشَاءُ وَاللَّهُ وَاسِعٌ عَلِيمٌ]

Moving to Sheikh MohammadRidha KashifalGhitaa he had added precious books to the library and after him came Sheikh Ali KashifalGhitaa who maintained  it and doubled manifolds the amount of books. Today this library is one of the foundation's departments. The old place for the library was the old house of KashifalGhitaa family in al.Umara area in downtown Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf. When the manager of the library died his son Dr.Sheikh Abbas  KashifalGhitaa took the responsibility of managing it and he moved it to its recent place where it can offer best services for the religious students, littérateurs, writers and researchers. According to Guide of Republic of Iraq the library contained, during its latest establishment in the beginning  of the 14th Hijri  century by Sheikh Hadi KashifalGhitaa, about 5000 books in different areas of religion, literature, language and history  in addition to 600 manuscripts. Today the total reached 12000 books and 6000 manuscripts. One of the characteristics of this library is that it has a large group of the old and precious publications which can be considered today as close as manuscripts. The library still opened and receives many religious and academic students.


E-library Department:

Walking side by side today with the scientific development especially in electronics is considered a success element and it has become a necessity for every researcher and verifier to invest this field as much as he can .Hence KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation has opened a special department named (e-library department) which facilitate the needed software for Hawza students, verifiers, researchers and educated people. E-library department offered the most updated programmes and put them in lists so the researcher can find his \her needed programme easily.

  1. The First List: A guide to the manuscripts' CDs                         which were produced by Treasures of Manuscripts department.
  2. The Second List: A guide to the research CDs i.e.CDs that have large libraries with quick search engine e.g. Fiqh   dictionary –third edition, (Aqaed) beliefs dictionary, the collector of (Hadiths) programme (noor2) and many other CDs in different fields.
  3. The Third List: A guide of the lessons' CDs i.e. lessons and curriculum that are studied in Al.Hawza like (Lum'a,Al. Makasib and lessons in (tafseer) of the holy Quran).
  4. The Fourth List: A guide to the general programmes' CDs e.g. (Al.Ghadeer) programme, (Al.Thikir Al.Hakeem) programme, Natural Encyclopedia programme and the Historical programme.   
  5. The Fifth List: A guide to the documentary films and Faith-related debates.

The number of CDs in the e-library reached more than 450 CDs .The departments offers a group of developed computers with accessories so that a researcher can make use of.


Religious Programmes Department:

The opening of this department came as a result of the foundation's desire to disseminate the religious culture among believers and to establish the true beliefs inside the hearts of the followers of this right sect. The work started in this department on 1417AH-1997AC during the dictatorial regime with humble abilities and thanks to ALLAH (swt) we were able to issue the following religious programmes:

1.Al-Abrar Programme: This contains a summary about the (Ma'sooms) lives.

2.A Visit to Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf Program: This program is operated by Win 98 and the following versions. It mentions a biography about Al.Imam Ali (P) and a summary about Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf city. IT has many old and new photos for the holy shrines and the (maqams) of Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf and Al.Kufa city. Also it contains short movies for some religious sites in Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf city. The program shows some poems and elegies for the sake of Ameer AlMu'mineen (Peace be upon him), in addition to  that the programme shows some of the Imam's speeches by voice.

3.Al.Imam Al.Hussein (P) Programme: The CD shows a biography of Al.Imam Al.Hussein (P). A(Ziyarah) for SayeedalShuhadaa and Abi Al.Fadhil Al.Abbas (Peace be upon them) by voice and photo. Also some short films for the holy shrines with old and new photographs of the holy shrines .In addition to some religious lectures and speeches.

4.Al.Imam Al.Sajjad (P) Program: This program shows a biography about Al.Imam Al.Sajjad (P). The book of (Al.Sahifa Al.Sajjadiyah) which is ascribed to Al.Imam Al.Sajjad (P) is shown by photo and voice. The reciting of (Ziyarah) for Al.Imam (P). Some photos of his holy shrine place are shown too .In the program some speeches and elegies for the sake of Imam (P).

5.Prayer's Program: This is an educational program aims to teach prayer (Salat) in a simple and interesting way supported by cartoons which can motivate the Muslim child to perform the prayer in the correct way. Through this program the child can learn (wudhu') and (tayammum) and prayers activities in cartoons. Also some legal (Shar'y) cases that are related to prayer.


Conferences, Symposiums & Religious Festivals Department:

In view of the fact that scientific conferences and intellectual symposiums are a civilized environment where scientific dissertations can be revealed, also considered as a noble way to bridge between the religious sciences and the academic studies  in a way that leads to enhance the connection bonds and strengthen the scientific relations. Therefore KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation initiated the opening of a special department for symposiums and conferences affairs. By the help of a specialized cadre, the department holds the symposiums and lectures. The department creates sub-committees each with a specific mission, one for media, preparatory commission, the presented researches evaluation committee and an administrative committee. The department is taking care of the preparations to celebrate the various religious occasions that are on Islamic calendar.

Among the main symposiums held by the foundation were:

  1. The General Symposium to Extend the Scientific Bridges Between the Religious Hawza and Academic Studies People.
  2. The Intellectual Symposium in the Memory of the Holy Prophet (A) Birthday.
  3. The Symposium in (Eid Al.Ghadeer).

Recently the department is adopting the preparation to hold an annual international conference to commemorate a chosen scientist and publish his \her scientific heritage .The department has adopted the first scientific personality who is Al.Allama Al.Shaikh Hussein Al.Hilli (may Allah give him mercy)


Internet Department:

This department has been opened on 1423AH-2003AC i.e. after the fall of the former regime. The intention was found before this time to open the department because the benefits are great and the students of Hawza are eager to learn but we were unable because of the political regime. The department works in three directions:

First: Supervising the internet website of KashifalGhitaa Public foundation.

Second: Open training courses for Hawza students on how-to-use internet under supervision of specialized persons and is free of charge.

Third: Receiving Hawza students and researchers to make use of the worldwide web. Hawza students can feel comfort when using our utility because the prestigious atmosphere we offer which is so different from the ordinary and public cybercafés .In summary, the main benefits from using the internet are:

  • Browsing and entering the Shiite websites
  • Make use of the lessons and lectures available on net.
  • Make use of the search engines for specific purposes.
  • Entering the chatting and dialogue websites e.g. (paltalk) in order to do religious informing. To call  the non-Muslims to convert Islam as Allah (swt) ordered                                                      [ادْعُ إِلَى سَبِيلِ رَبِّكَ بِالْحِكْمَةِ وَالْمَوْعِظَةِ الْحَسَنَةِ وَجَادِلْهُمْ بِالَّتِي هِيَ أَحْسَنُ]
    to convince the people of other beliefs that the true religion is Islam. To preach Muslims and guide them for the best things in their recent lives and afterlives. To explain the priority of AhlulBayt (P) school by showing the school's theories and ideas. And to confront the suspicions those are circulated by enemies of Islam to distort the clear image of the noble religion.
  • To acquaint himself with the world news and to read some newspapers and magazines.

The department has been provided with the best IT systems and a complete Internet Satellite System to provide the best services for the science and scientists.


KashifalGhitaa Public Foundation Website:

The  site has been established on www to offer facilities to the browsers through a well-designed website with beautiful background filled with arabesque and Islamic inscription. The main services offered by the website are ability of showing all the manuscripts which had been photographed in the Treasures of Manuscripts department with abilities that facilitate the researcher's mission. The visitor to the website can also get any photographed document at the Documents and Archiving department after sending a letter (email) requesting the document he\she needs. The website presents some of the activities held by the foundation such as training courses, symposiums and conferences. The researcher will be able to browse the books,  researches and intellectual essays that are found on the website. The workers on the website have the honour to receive the essays and the books to be published on the website as a sign of the workers eagerness to spread science and knowledge. Our website is: www.kashifalgetaa.com and our email is: info@kashifalgetaa.com


11.The Department of Supervising the Religious Endowments that are related to the Foundation:

This department patronizes the endowments buildings that are under the authority of the foundation. They are:

  1. KashifalGhitaa Mosque.
  2. Al.Mahdiya Religious School in Al.Najaf Al.Ashraf
  3. Al.Mahdiya Religious School in Kerbala
  4. KashifalGhitaa Graveyard
  5. Imam Hussein (P) Endowments Houses


12. Charity Aids Department:

The foundation is working hard to use the best of its efforts to complete its mission by achieving all the means of the honest service, for this principle the foundation created this department. The department is presenting financial and other types of aides to the believers who are in a great need to such charity help. This public service is to complete the humanitarian mission of the foundation.                                                   


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